pattern language

英 [ˈpætn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 美 [ˈpætərn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]

网络  建筑模式语言; 模式语言; 图式语言; 样式语言; 模式语汇



  1. Over time, with a little harvesting and refactoring, you should be able to build a broader view of the pattern language applicable to your application domains.
  2. Toward a pattern language for Service-Oriented Architecture and Integration
  3. He introduces the concept of a pattern language, which he defines as a related set of patterns that together provide a vocabulary for designing within a certain context or problem domain.
  4. The following sections will introduce some of the fundamental patterns that form the foundation of the pattern language for SOA/ SOI.
  5. A Pattern Language for Parallel Programming.
  6. Examples of the design of blanking die, the feasible and practical of basing on pattern language design knowledge description and save method was validated.
  7. It shows how to document, organize and use patterns; how to build relationships between patterns and how to turn those relationships into a pattern language.
  8. The three manuscripts, the Death and Life of Great American Cities, A Pattern Language and Post-Occupancy Evaluation, have influenced the fields of architecture and city planning.
  9. The theory of "Pattern Language" proposed by Christopher Alexander expounds a dynamic and popular design principle.
  10. The Pattern Language and Its Inheritance of Traditional Local Cultural Landscape
  11. Schulz, the mode of analogous city of A. Rossi and the theory of pattern language of C.
  12. SEIS++: A Pattern Language for Seismic Tools Construction and Integration
  13. This paper presents a pattern language based on characteristics of developing process of DOM application, provides detailed introduction about how to use each design pattern of the pattern language in the context of developing DOM application, and finally gives an instance of applying this pattern language.
  14. Research of pattern language for Agent-based application
  15. This language, namely Agent Pattern Language, has the ability of describing complex data objects and business processes, and integrating with outer services such as database operations.
  16. A Pattern Language for Developing DOM Application
  17. The Research of the Pattern Language in Product Design
  18. In the second part ( charter 2) the article discusses theoretical principle including the performances of environmental psychology, behavior architecture and architectural pattern language.
  19. Based on the Open Source Tool Platform – Eclipse, an Agent-Oriented Integration Development Environment, in which the APL ( Agent Pattern Language) is integrated, is designed and implemented.
  20. A Pattern Language ( Semiotics of Architecture) Architectural symbols level means the system of a language symbol system.
  21. An approach of prototype system design based on pattern language is built around interaction designers, visual designers and user interface engineers.
  22. The application of framework in streaming media server software is also discussed. It is a profitable exploration to application of pattern language in domain and large-scale software reusability.
  23. Each complete community, a vibrant and has its own unique and clear pattern language.
  24. The cluster can be seen as a design method, a pattern language and as a cognitive model-the part of the organization associated together with the life in which the role of the people closely.
  25. This paper creates the ecological architecture pattern language of Laojun Mountain by analyzing the physical environment and architectural space of local vernacular houses.
  26. This paper presents an approach of prototype system design based on the pattern language can solve the problem of reuse.
  27. Group structure is a pattern language, and is cognitive model by every section organized with association and who lived inClose function.
  28. Internet community has promoted the information exchange, providing the netizens with free space in which they are able to realize self-presentation, emotional release and ideas exchanges. It revitalizes and enriches standard language greatly but at the same time, has an impact on traditional pattern language.
  29. The popular deep packet inspection system snort utilizes regular expression as pattern language.
  30. The traditional vernacular houses 'develop process is built on the building system of using pattern language.